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Absurdity of Communism and the Validity of its Successes

For Better or for Worse, we are limited in our approach by our ideas, as a society.

Communism is an absurd idea. It is only revolutionary in the sense that it includes the economy as being under absolute state control. The state is of course the state with powers above all. Absolute power corrupts absolutely and hence coopting the state to provide more and not less is designed to be sub optimal, maybe even grandly and now generally branded a failure.

The sub optimal results suffice though if they can, or at least promise, to feed the starving masses. Nobody usually likes a revolution, except when the alternative is to eat the (in)famous french recipe cake.

But communism was an idealistic, bold experimentation to the bourgeoise general apathy. It went beyond just economic equality by adding to the new French recipe of libertie, egalite, fraternite. Womens's equality and voting rights.

Yes, what was so progressive seems regressive, just because the ideas of communism have been coopted into ordinary democracies which have become more liberal. China is in fact the biggest failure of the communist system, against a populist democracy like India. The USA and rest of the western free world is to directly blame for the big failure that China is.

Women are doing a disservice to themselves by comparing themselves to men. Just like upcoming wannabes, bourgeois wanting aristocracy. Media keeps on dispensing lots of false ideas, a reflection of the general intellect populating the media and the money idea dominating any business.


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